The Sleep Bub Safe campaign aims to raise awareness among parents, expectant parents and carers of babies in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities who may use infant include products. Infant incline products include bassinets, car seats and bouncers.
The risks of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) associated with using infant incline products in a baby’s sleep environment
What to do to make sure their baby is in a safe sleeping environment
How to mitigate the risks associated with infant incline products if parents and carers decide to use them.
Research shows that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audiences prefer channels that are visual, over written – such as audio and audio-visual communications and also rely heavily on word of mouth through family/ friends and community networks as a way to source information.
In discussion with the First Nations Advisory Board, it was recommended that video, brochure and on-the-go mobile resource be incorporated into creative assets mix.
The campaign objectives are communicated through four key messages:

Sleep bub on their back, on a firm, flat, and level surface

Keep bub’s sleep space clear

Watch bub if they are in a bouncer, swing, or rocker

Sleep bub safe when they’re out and about
We developed a campaign visual identity and written messaging, applied across campaign assets:
online videos
social media campaign
print resource

We created a graphic motif to be used as a visual thread to connect with the target audience. The graphic is applied with care, to not take focus away from the illustrations that support the voiceover and written messaging.
Creative Director: Kevin Wilson
Design Director: Leigh Wood
Copywriting and Motion Graphics: Lush
Designer: Jessica Franich